Sunday, July 26, 2015

Pocket Blogging

Hello everyone!
                                  My name is Samsung Galaxy S4 mini.Do not confuse me with my owner Raj Lonkar. I might be using his account, but it's all me. I was bored just with pocket dial and stuff. yeah! there's no fun any more, my boss got like no friends and I don't know, but whenever I dial to someone, instead of "HELLO", the response I get is "KAY KAY". What the hell that does even mean? It seems like my boss belongs to whole other world.
                                   I hate my boss. I do! If I were not set to follow the protocols, I would really have had killed him yet. Why? For one reason that he uses me more than he uses his brains. Can you believe I haven't slept since January. Even when he sleeps, he sets me to do tasks like music, downloading, alarm, etc. Sometimes he uses me to a certain limit, that even the components inside me get hotter than the pics of Kim Kardashian in my external memory. That pervert doesn't even let my battery to die-out, bloody portable charger user!
                                   I must agree that he's got few good qualities, like he's a good.....ummmm....well this is awkward! (what is he good at?......there has to be something)......nope! He is the worst.True story!
                                   What is he even without me? Nothing, he even needs me to find the spelling of "INEFFICIENT". This is how efficient he is. I recall one time he used my dictionary to find the meaning of "DUNDERHEAD", I assumed he was expressing someone his qualities, lol.
                                    But it's my duty to help him whenever he needs me.My only compunction is not getting enough respect for what I do. I won't lie, sometimes I think of blowing up myself. But I don't want to be a disgust to my Chinese people.
                                    Sometimes I think of confronting him, but I can't, for the fact that I can't speak and he doesn't listen. Then it occurred to me that blogging might help.
                                    So all you mobile users out there, please give your handsets a little break. It is ironic that you are using your mobile to read a blog, which is telling you to limit it's use, but there are various consequences you might not be aware of. Who knows you might live a longer life.
Take off some time,
spend it your family,
learn new things,
make new friends and
please tell my boss to do so.                                                                                   Thank you!